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Monday, September 19, 2011

Audio Assignment, Some Good Advice on Recording Audio

Following are statements from Sound in the Story with missing key terms. Copy and paste the text below to new page on your blog and then do your best to fill in the terms.

Then make application of those ideas by listening to the podcast above. The story starts at 15:00 into the podcast, called "Drive, Daddy, Drive." Listen to the story then comment in relation to the six ideas below. 

Audio (and video) is different from print and photography in that it is _visual and auditory_, not spatial.

When you are recording “__noise___,” you are essentially getting the audio equivalent of candid 

Silence = __a sound all its own, not tampered by any other__

__Good_____ sound is valuable for setting a scene when it’s interesting, and it’s useful for editing purposes even when it’s not.

A good script is well-written for the _ear__, not the_eye___.

The best way to learn to write is to _write___ and the best way to learn audio is to _listen and record it__.

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