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Monday, August 29, 2011

Top 10 Things YOU Need to Know...

Here's ten humorous "street smarts" you need to know before visiting Utah...

1.  Utah's weather has PMS...and may change patterns or season in a matter of seconds.  So plan ahead.

2.  Everybody in Utah knows that the feud between the BYU football and University of Utah football teams is a hopelessly lost cause...U of U always trumps.  ---Moral of the story (Become a Utah fan.)

3.  Driver Beware: Anybody in the state of Utah will drive like a winged bat out of Hell.

4.  "See ya" means "goodbye."  It's not literal.

5.  Country radio stations are all you're going to get.  (Bring your iPod.)

6.  If you see a lady with gray hair and a bunch of kids shopping...DO NOT call her Grandma.  She's probably the mother.

7.  No we are not polygamists, so don't ask.

8.  The wind always blows...ALWAYS.

9.  One inch of snow is not considered as being very large.  It's usually referred to as a "skiff."

10.  Enjoy your stay and don't eat the Rocky Mountain oysters...they're not oysters.

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